25 Mar 2021
EDM Open Air
EDM Open Air will take place at Stade Régis Perrin in Saint-Maurice-de-Gourdans, France on August 5-7. Exodus, Tarja Turunen and Finntroll are among the bands that will perform at the Sylak Open Air festival.
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Exodus — Salem
EDM Open Air will take place at Stade Régis Perrin in Saint-Maurice-de-Gourdans, France on August 5-7. Exodus, Tarja Turunen and Finntroll are among the bands that will perform at the Sylak Open Air festival.
DC-10 — Ibiza
Anja Schneider, Nic Fanciulli, Seth Troxler
The best Old Skool, Dance, R&B & Garage by Skillax returning to Ibiza with their tracks for Summer 2013, presenting 14 party weeks being the only old skool club night on the island - bringing the biggest old skool anthems to the island every Friday night. Exclusive sets from KISS DJs; Justin Wilkes, Neev, Shorty Blatz, WineBoys, DJ MIK, Pioneer, Daxon Brothers, Charlies Hedges & Steven Smart as well as guest DJ […]
Amnesia — Ibiza
Chris Liebing, Pan Pot, Black Asteroid
This is a demo description Regarded as one of the most successful and breakthrough parties ever to grace the White Island, the event will heat up the dance floors in clubland once again, with Luciano and his traveling gang of music gypsies ready to bring some fire in the Balearic nightlife. A brand new relationship between the Vagabundos concept and the multiple award-winning Space club will change Sundays forever in […]
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